Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Kerry Flap -- Don't Believe the Hype

Republicans, looking for any scrap of dirt they can hurl at candidates this election, chose to pick John Kerry's comments to some college students and blow it completely out of proportion, knowing that if they bitch long enough and loud enough, the So Called Liberal Media will help them run with the ball.

Does ANYONE really think that Kerry's comments were more than a botched joke?

After all, John Kerry, despite the vicious smear campaign leveled against him by Swift Boat Captains For Slander, served in the military with distinction, getting wounded, and winning medals. He served his country and understood what it was like to fight in a pointless war.

George Bush served his country valiantly too, keeping Texas safe from the Viet Cong and ensuring that bars were able to stay in business during that difficult time. He even ensured our safety by not showing up for duty for awhile.

Kerry's joke was a stretch. But let's face it, John Kerry is to humor what Mark Foley is to the Boy Scouts.

What Kerry said appears to me to be in direct reference to George Bush's own embracing of his own poor track record as a student. This is the guy who said, "To those of you who've recieved honors, awards and distinctions, I say well done, and to the C students... I say, you too can be President of the United States."

If I were the Democrats, I would admonish Kerry for the joke, but point out that this administration, made up of NUMEROUS PEOPLE WHO NEVER SAW BATTLE, waves the flag at the same time they're cutting benefits for troops, sending them into battle with inadequate supplies and troop counts, and went into Iraq without paying any attention to the numerous experts who HAD served who told them it was a mistake, including George Bush's own father. Who is more disrespectful? A guy who botched a joke, or a guy who is responsible for misleading us into a war that killed thousands of our troops and maimed thousands more?

Don't believe the hype. A stupid comment by John Kerry is nothing more than a stupid comment by John Kerry. Republicans got us into the mess in Iraq and they're not going to do anything to get us out.

Vote Democrat!

I am a democrat and I would NEVER vote for the Elitist John Kerry and have given up on my party.
John Kerry committed TREASON by going to Paris and talking to North Vietnamese Diplomats during a war and while he was a commissioned officer.
There is no trace of his discharge papers from his original service. He supposedly was not discharged until sometime in the Carter Administration. WHY? The most likely reason is Kerry was Discharged with a Dishonorable discharge and Pardoned under Carter. That is the ONLY Explanation.
NOW let me address Iraq.
Do you remember 9-11.. Yes I know Iraq had nothing to do with it. Some guy named Ossama Bin Laden was responsible.
Ossama Bin Laden has made the war in Iraq, a test of America's will to fight his brand of extremism. Leaving Iraq will prove his theory of America True... WE are unable to deal with death. WE FEAR DEATH. We run from death and destruction and will not uphold our own beliefs for fear of losing even one life.
Regrettably we have lost almost 3000 men and women volunteers in this war. You remember war.. we fought one in the 40's. We lost over a million men in Europe and Asia. One battle cost us 3000 men.
On 9-11 we lost 3000 people.
We do not know what death is. We did in World War 2. Every family and every community was affected.
You people have no clue what a war is.
I have talked to the people in the Military, and the Military feels this war is winnable. All the media tells you about is the things that make the war look bad. Just like it did in Viet Nam.
Leaving Iraq will not stop terror and death, but only increase it.
IF THE PEOPLE OF THIS country were as vested in the success of this war as we were in WW 2 it would be over in months. But each time you bitch and moan about this war another bomber looks for another target.
The increase of violence in Iraq NOW is due to our Elections and the Terrorists are voting FOR you, just like they did with the people of Spain.
Kill enough people and we will elect the people who will pull out and leave the middle east to the terrorists.
Elect John Yarmuth and other Democrats who will take us out of Iraq, and you will see MORE 9-11's.
I just read the transcript of the "Joke" and the spirit of the joke was basically what John Kerry stated, without a slam at Bush.
So lets review. IF YOU VOLUNTEER for the Military you are an idiot?
Now if this was a DRAFT army Kerry MIGHT have had a point, but the gist of his comment was that people in the Military are just not smart enough to be in college. I guess my cousin who skipped college to serve his country post 9-11 is an idiot.
Personally I believe he is a patriot and Kerry and his ilk apparently do not respect the nature of the Volunteer Army or the REAL Patriotism that it takes to be in the Military at a time of war.
Vote Democrat if you want to cut and run.. Because the only thing the Democrats can do DIFFERENTLY is to RUN.
Vote Republican if you believe we can not run, but MUST win this war, and end the terror of the Bin Ladens and the Extremist Fascist Islamic Fundamentalists.
Check out the picture at
From the men in Iraq.
Osama Bin Laden made the war in Iraq, which is a test of America's will. That's kind of like kicking yourself in the crotch multiple times to prove your manhood because you're angry at your television sense. Okay, that comment made no sense, but neither did yours.

You've "talked to people in the military". Okay, that's a nice vague comment, given that there are thousands of people in it.

"You people have no clue what a war is." Just like George Bush doesn't.

In WWII, we entered with the support of many powerful nations after an oppressive force waged war against people that have common interest.

In Iraq, we entered into a war that numerous advisors to the Bush administration and his own father said was going to be a difficult one at best. We did not secure support from any allies beyond Great Britain that could really make a difference in the war. We didn't put enough troops on the ground and fought with the idea in mind that once Saddam was out, everyone would be so happy to see us, the country would act like Wavy Gravy at Woodstock.

Bush, a man who has no interest in learning or listening, ignored the advice of his people, his father, and pretty much everyone beyond Rumsfeld and DICK. Instead of thinking, "Hey, I am deposing a leader of a country with several groups of people who hate each other, it's going to be almost impossible to make it peaceful," he assumed it would just happen.

You cannot fight a war and win it when you don't understand your enemy. This is a people and a culture that has deep divisions that don't seem to be unified by a common interest. It may be "winnable", but if it is worth it is open for debate.

The truth is, you spread the ridiculous fear that somehow Democrats will hand the country to terrorists. Personally, I think they'll actually start fighting the war the way it should be, by understanding the culture of terrorism, and doing the police work and intelligence work necessary to reduce the threat at much as possible, not just baiting a continual trap in Iraq so that we keep them occupied for awhile.
Your Comment:You've "talked to people in the military". Okay, that's a nice vague comment, given that there are thousands of people in it.

My Reply: Gee do officers at West Point count? 2 cousins serving in Iraq and Afghanistan? How about nightly on the Television or on local talk shows. EACH one says we need to stay and finish the job.

Your comment: In WWII, we entered with the support of many powerful nations after an oppressive force waged war against people that have common interest.

NO we did not. We waited to be attacked...JUST LIKE WE DID ON 9-11. Instead of getting into the war and helping to end it sooner, the DEMOCRATIC LEADER waited and tried to pacify the Bad Guys. We entered with other nations ONLY because they were already in the fight. Had Germany or Japan attacked us first I doubt we would have waited for France or England to jump in.

YOUR Comment: In Iraq, we entered into a war that numerous advisors to the Bush administration and his own father said was going to be a difficult one at best. We did not secure support from any allies beyond Great Britain that could really make a difference in the war. We didn't put enough troops on the ground and fought with the idea in mind that once Saddam was out, everyone would be so happy to see us, the country would act like Wavy Gravy at Woodstock.

MY REPLY: OK difficult, but should we have waited for Sadam to send us a Nuke, or some nice letters that had Anthrax in them? WE had plenty of troops. We took the country in the fastest time ever in a war. The Capital was ours in what less than 3 weeks? When the original action was over the people did welcome us. A few fanatics did not. Then Al Queda Began its insurgency and attacks in order to create civil problems. Remember.. OCTOBER 2006 was the worst month for casualties. The war was won, the insurgency started after the army was defeated and Sadam and his NUTCase kids were out of office.
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