Monday, November 06, 2006

Comments for Mr. Dicken

Someone named Jim Dicken seems to take issue with comments made on this website. I'll attempt to address those.

John Kerry is an elitist? Perhaps. But let's not forget that George Bush comes from the same sort of background as Kerry and from a mother who seemed to think Katrina victims were doing pretty well for themselves in the Astrodome.

It seems as though there are questions about Kerry and Bush's discharges. Kerry served and got shot at. Bush served and did shots. There is a difference.

Osama didn't make the war in Iraq. George Bush did, and he failed. You can't spin it any other way. We've been lied to and his own comments are often in conflict with what his people on the ground have said. Bush can't even remember the dozens of times he said, "Stay the Course", and then blames the media for having the audacity for finding them and playing them.

As for 9/11, yes.... we fear death. Our enemy does not. That means that you can't win the war by picking them off one by one. You need different tactics. Bush doesn't understand this.

The fact is, Bush cut and ran from the real war on terror post 9/11. Rather than commit to Afghanistan, even when he had Osama Bin Laden surrounded, he got distracted with a war in Iraq whose real motives have YET to be made clear.

As for your criticisms about John Yarmuth, I would argue that these same accusations could be leveled at your beloved George Bush. His entire career was built on his family name and fortune, and his own business career was checkered with failures. John Yarmuth started a successful FREE newspaper, which isn't easy to do, and has an active and fertile mind, something that Anne Northup doesn't appear to have.

He also has been noted by people with completely opposite views to be a man of honesty and integrity. Given the smears that Anne goes to every campaign, I can't help but think Anne's own honesty and integrity is less important to her than winning.

It's time for a change. I'm voting for Yarmuth.

John Kerry is an elitist? Perhaps. But let's not forget that George Bush comes from the same sort of background as Kerry and from a mother who seemed to think Katrina victims were doing pretty well for themselves in the Astrodome.

Reply: I can not even think what the HECK you are talking about. George's Mother is not a member of the government and the Katrina Victims you speak of were offered ways OUT of New Orleans by the Federal Government and by private concerns only to have the GOVERNOR and MAYOR of New Orleans to turn them down. I was in Alabama when the Hurricane went through. There were tons of relief supplies, power company trucks and relief people LINING I-65 from the Tennessee Border down to south of Birmingham. THE FEDS were ready State and Local Government were NOT. The problems were caused by the failure of New Orleans Mayor to take the danger Seriously and to get people OUT of the city. OH and the 300 police officers who abandoned their jobs? Most were GHOST employees.. and we do not hear about that.

It seems as though there are questions about Kerry and Bush's discharges. Kerry served and got shot at. Bush served and did shots. There is a difference.

REPLY: Kerry Got shot at.. but you can not prove he got shot. AND as for MILITARY SERVICE where was Mr. Yarmuth during the war?? He was draft age. How did HE GET OUT OF THE WAR. WE know he did not serve.

Osama didn't make the war in Iraq. George Bush did, and he failed. You can't spin it any other way. We've been lied to and his own comments are often in conflict with what his people on the ground have said. Bush can't even remember the dozens of times he said, "Stay the Course", and then blames the media for having the audacity for finding them and playing them.

REPLY: FAILED?? the war is over and we lost? NEWS TO ME.. call CBS and NBC they still think we are fighting it.. and so does YARMUTH.
Tell me what the lies were? We found trucks with WMD's in them.. not assembled. We found artillery shells and we found a workable Nuclear Plant buried in the back yard of the guy in charge of Nuclear Energy in Iraq. Beyond that are the OTHER REASONS for going into Iraq. Do you even remember the fact that Sadam was harboring terrorists who had killed American Citizens? Are you aware that Sadam was paying Terror Killers to bomb Israeli's and Americans in IsraelA? Do you remember the 8 year war waged by Bill Clinton on Iraq? He bombed Iraq every other week. Every time Sadam turned on a Radar Station we destroyed it. Sadam was looking for ways to Attack the United States, and that info came from RUSSIA which is NOT our friend. WE HAVE NOT FAILED.. we are still fighting. Yarmuth and his ilk will cause us to fail if we leave Iraq before we help them rid themselves of the Al Queda terrorists tearing the country apart.

As for 9/11, yes.... we fear death. Our enemy does not. That means that you can't win the war by picking them off one by one. You need different tactics. Bush doesn't understand this.

Reply: OK fine, you want different tactics.. tell us what they are. YARMUTH never once said one word about how to change things. WE WILL BE IN IRAQ the next time he is up for reelection. I PROMISE YOU, NOTHING WILL CHANGE with Yarmuth in Congress. If it does and Iraq has not taken over its own security then we will have lost. AS for picking them off one at a time? You are not going to get a group of Al Queda guys into one place and get them to stand still. They are members of EVERY nation in the world. They are however COMING to Iraq. We are fighting Al Queda in Iraq, and terrorists in Iraq. Our soldiers want to go back to fight. Truck drivers go to assist the soldiers, SOME Americans are willing to make the sacrifice so YOU can have the right to elect a man to office who has NEVER passed any kind of law, nor who has provided any plans for how he will change DC.

The fact is, Bush cut and ran from the real war on terror post 9/11. Rather than commit to Afghanistan, even when he had Osama Bin Laden surrounded, he got distracted with a war in Iraq whose real motives have YET to be made clear.

REPLY: Ummm you need to go back and check your history, current events or whatever. Afghanistan started within days of 9-11 and was OVER for the most part before Iraq was even considered. We did not go Into Iraq until 2003 as I recall and my Google SEarch indicates. Ossama was surrounded, and managed to escape with some of his forces. HOWEVER you seem to forget that 9-11 would NOT have occured had the Clinton Administration not turned down Ossama 3 times when he was in Sudan and one of those was POST 1993 attack on the WTC. They also had him surrounded in Afghanistan with a CIA operative and local forces and chose NOT to kill him because of some locals being there.
Lets also not forget the 10 BILLION dollar cut in the Intelligence Budget POST WTC 1993.

As for your accusations that Northup used smear tactics? Since when is using the PRINTED EDITORIALS of someone Smear Tactics. Each and every commercial was backed by facts and information obtained from LEO archives. Mr. Yarmuth did advocate for Marijuana all be it in Canada, the end of Social Security for those under 50.. He is how old?
He called those who believe in the right to own a gun as STUPID REDNECKS, ( AS I sit here in my Cammo fresh from deer hunting I find this one of his more telling statements}
In a community that is 30 to 40% Catholic he has advocated Abortion on Demand and without notification of parents.
He admitted he did not have anything in common with people who did not live in his neighborhood. The only thing that did not come out was his living in the area where the EAst End Bridge is to be built.
John Yarmuth did not win on Issues. He won on IRAQ. He also maliciously maligned good people and businesses in this community.
His last commercial:
"Ann Northup has supported George W. Bush and all of her commercials are paid for by the Corporations who "RIP US OFF"
I personally take offense at that. John Yarmuth has called myself and other Business owners in Louisville THIEVES and he owes EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US an APOLOGY.
Jim Dicken
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